Some Wednesday mornings are filled with hope... As I see a small seed sprout today... When we plant a seed in soil that takes a long time to sprout, the only thing we rely on is hope. A hope that with proper nourishment, that seed, one day, sprouts. With the same hope, we water the seed every day. There will be some days where we might even doubt ourselves and the seed whether it grows or if we are wasting our time. And suddenly one day, we see that pee-wee seed sprouting. We feel so happy and amused by that tiny little wonder. The sprout reinforces our hope and trust in the process. We nurture it further believing that one day, that sprout can grow into a large tree. Watching our baby grow from a seed to a gigantic tree is the purest form of joy one could ever experience. That is exactly what I experience when I see my little...