I have been pondering upon to write on this issue since a very long time but no language could properly express a girl's anger and disgust on the Middle aged men bullies. However, I dare to express my views on it today. Often we get very irritating signs, gazes, messages not from young men but from the married morons. we are scared to talk about it as these black sheep are well placed in the society. Sadly it is women who are blamed for everything... For their dress, for their odd office timings, for them being independent.. Huh. These uncles just need young girls(Even a girl in Burkha is not spared) and their wives must be absolutely clueless about their husband’s shameful acts as they would be the most loving husbands at home. It is easy to say girls to open their mouths but that would be the most disgusting situation ever even to complain about these not so obvious harrassments .So here is my open letter to all uncles in the world! Dear Uncles!! I think it is time to s...