I have been pondering upon to write on this issue since a very long time but no language
could properly express a girl's anger and disgust on the Middle aged men bullies. However, I dare to express my views on it today. Often
we get very irritating signs, gazes, messages not from young men but from the
married morons. we are scared to talk about it as these black sheep are well placed in the
society. Sadly it is women who are blamed for everything... For their dress,
for their odd office timings, for them being independent.. Huh. These uncles
just need young girls(Even a girl in Burkha is not spared) and their wives must
be absolutely clueless about their husband’s shameful acts as they would be the
most loving husbands at home. It is easy to say girls to open their mouths but
that would be the most disgusting situation ever even to complain about these
not so obvious harrassments .So here is my open letter to all uncles in the
Dear Uncles!! I think it is time to see yourself in the mirror to realize that you
are ageing. You are ageing not because you are adding years but because a
lovely daughter of our age is growing in your house. Before throwing a word on
a girl or before sending a HI message to a random girl on Facebook, see your
growing son and daughter at home. Do you ever dare to comment about your
daughter’s body or praise her beauty with cheap language? Do you think that we
don’t sense the meaning behind the way you look or touch? We are just holding
ourselves back giving respect to your age. Otherwise you would have been
punched by now by many girls.
Remember that you have a lovely wife who
trusts you more than god. No hell would be sufficient for you for creating unnecessary
rumours on a girl or a woman. Remember that Karma brings that back to you and
the sufferers would be your daughter or wife not you!! We refer all our
fatherly men like “Mama”, “Chacha” to uncle and we really mean it. Please understand
the pain and grief of all the girls or you would pay heavily for it.
Next time when you really feel like commenting on a girl’s photo, say “Beautiful
Beta” rather than commenting “You are hot”. Rather than sending just “Hi, how
are you. I wanna be friend with you” to a random girl, know your daughter and
be a friend to her. She will respect you forever for that. Rather than praising
all hot girls on Instagram, praise your wife for her real beauty and her
loyalty towards you. Be that real uncle with whom all young girls want to talk,
gain wisdom and from whom they want to draw some inspiration. Gain our trust
again Uncles!
Hoping to see the change and some wisdom in you....
Daughters all over the world.........................................
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