March 6th, 2018
Starbucks, Jersey City.
I was sick with cold, cough and fever yet I wanted to kick myself out of my bedroom, go out and feel the fresh air and come back. So I packed my books and went to a nearby Starbucks to sit and read and reflect upon my life. I randomly opened Mind Valley's interview with Robin Sharma for some motivation and got stuck at one single point: "A bad day for the ego is a great day for the soul". And he says that it is the starting point for all the learning and growth. I was overwhelmingly happy as I was in the exact situation. For someone who has been comfortable doing one single dance style for 14 years, being a beginner in the modern dance class is extremely tough (Just beginner level for my PhD). It tones down my ego every single class and reemphasizes to let go of my Ego to Grow. When you are good at something, your ego knows it. When you try learning a new skill, your ego will have a great struggle in accepting the fact that you are naive in a certain skill. When you learn a new thing every single day, your ego realizes and subdues every single day which is great thing for your soul. It indeed creates a turmoil in your head but the fruits will be very sweet.
In my childhood, I was a person who never moved out of my comfort zone, used not to try anything which I am bad at ( I know my strengths very well :P ). Every time I am extremely happy in my comfort zone, my father would push me into the most uncomfortable new arenas to pursue. Be it learning English, socializing (which I hated), dancing on the most difficult number and the list went on. Slowly, that very discomfort zone has become my comfort zone and I started experimenting with life. Then my performance career gave me a whole new level of discomfort to my Ego and sleepless nights as no single day is monotonous. Learning new styles, working with stamina issues, facing criticisms, performing on sick days and getting bad reviews for it! What not? Perhaps, I also realized that 'Ego' is manipulating your feelings in the name of 'Respect', 'Honour', 'Pride' .All these terms are extremely important but quite often we take false ego, false pride, and false honour.
Perhaps, that is a yester generation's idea of Honour and Pride. This generation realized that Love is powerful enough to smash all the egos. Why only judge other people's ego? Our ego hurts us too. It often creates clouds to cover the truth or the consequences of the actions we do out of ego. Hence, I let go of my ego to say sorry to my loved ones, to share the bad reviews (if genuine) on my timeline so as to remind myself not to do the same mistake again or to patiently wait for someone to change their perception. Surprisingly, every time, I kept my manipulated terms of pride and respect a side for my loved ones, I saw them change, cry and saw the spark in their eyes filled with overwhelming joy and of course I changed for the better too!
So Keep trying new things which enlightens us too. And because a bad day to the ego is a great day for the soul. Because we can afford to kill our Ego but we cannot afford to kill our SOUL! :) :)
One of your best works so far I've read!